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A firm is making donations that are directly related to its corporate competency when it undertakes corporate social initiatives. An effective competency model can result in competitive advantage.

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Q: When a firm undertakes corporate social initiatives it is?
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Corporate social responsibility describes the firm's?

concern for the welfare of society

Why would you consult with corporate social responsibility consultants?

The reasons that corporations consult a corporate social responsibility consultant firm are because they truly want to be socially responsible or they want to appear to be socially responsible. Many corporations have their own internal social responsibility specialists. Most large companies have relationships with vendors of a supply chain(s). Social responsibility specialists can audit supply chain(s) to evaluate the environmental friendliness and community engagement of, not only their client corporation, but that of their supply chain(s). Social responsibility specialists can assess compliance with industry regulations, helping avoid sanctions or litigation that can increase the cost of doing business. A corporate social responsibility consultant firm can be cost effective and provide a corporation with a good public image. Both of which will please investors.

What do you mean by corporate culture How is it formed How is it sustained?

Corporate culture is the shared stories, experiences, beliefs, and norms that characterize an organization. Factors that form culture can range from the firm’s overall philosophy to daily operating methods. Managing and communicating the organization’s desired culture to everyone within the firm allows it to be sustained

What is social audit?

A systematic analysis of how a firm is using funds earned marked for social responsibility goals and how effective these expenditures are

When it comes to social responsibility some people feel that before you can do good you must do well This reflects a firm's primary responsibility to their?


Related questions

What happens when a firm undertakes corporate social initiatives?

When a firm undertakes corporate social initiatives, this action normally is a benefit for the public. A social initiative of hiring more lower income employees helps enrich the community and gains a good or better reputation for the business. Other initiatives such as donating funds for the homeless or for environmental causes simply helps all people.

Corporate social responsibility describes the firm's?

concern for the welfare of society

What best describes the goal of the firm?

To maximize profit by spreading business activities vis a vis adhering to corporate social responsibility.

What refers to the firm's corporate image or culture?

Employer branding

What are the goals and objectives of a corporate firm?

Its purely dependant on the company concerned as each as differing goals and corporate objectives

Why would you consult with corporate social responsibility consultants?

The reasons that corporations consult a corporate social responsibility consultant firm are because they truly want to be socially responsible or they want to appear to be socially responsible. Many corporations have their own internal social responsibility specialists. Most large companies have relationships with vendors of a supply chain(s). Social responsibility specialists can audit supply chain(s) to evaluate the environmental friendliness and community engagement of, not only their client corporation, but that of their supply chain(s). Social responsibility specialists can assess compliance with industry regulations, helping avoid sanctions or litigation that can increase the cost of doing business. A corporate social responsibility consultant firm can be cost effective and provide a corporation with a good public image. Both of which will please investors.

What does corporate client stand for?

a corporate client is a firm\'s International client that includes organizations from many businesses industries and professions.

Meaning of corporate firm?

A firm refers to a business establishment, such as a corporation. Firms are generally associated with business organizations that practice law.

Was Barack Obama a corporate lawyer?

For a little while. He first worked for the firm Sidley Austin in Chicago (where he and his wife met); this firm dealt with corporate clients. But later, he was hired by a small Chicago law firm (Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland) which specialized in civil rights law.

Why is corporate image important for a firm?

Corporate image is a major part of what sells a company and its product. It make products have lives and a reputable company remain.

Difference between private equity firm and a corporate firm?

A private equity firm is a financial organization that invests its money in companies not traded on the stock exchanges, or in securities not available to the public at large

What is the definition of vendor development?

Vendor development is one of the popular techniques of strategic sourcing, which improves the value we receive from suppliers. Vendor Development can be defined as any activity that a Buying Firm undertakes to improve a Supplier's performance and capabilities to meet the Buying Firms' supply needs.