BUMP to bring up somebody's post typically by posting the word "bump" on a message board. It can also stand for "Bring up my post" or "forget that". An example: "Man, bump dat teacher!".
cunning clever calculating
To be niggardly, stingy, ungenerous.
The definition of the word appraised generally means to assess the value or quality of something. If something is set a price by an expert, this is also known as being appraised.
rich- posessing materiel wealth
A C-list celebrity is someone who has received more fame then they deserve based on their talent or skills. The urban definition of the phrase is someone who is famous for being famous.
an urban form of the word grumpy
The urban dictionary definition of the word "Nang" is something that is good. The word originated from Hackney in London, specifically from Kingsland secondary school.
The Urban Dictionary lists the definition for the word 'compa' as meaning pal or compadre. It is a Spanish slang word that can also mean a political ally.
According to the Urban Dictionary the definition of the word 'yaught' is using a bottle of water with a hole in it and a cigarette to create a bong type device. It is used to get a head rush.
The Urban Dictionary definition of the word dammed is to be serviced to Hell, prison, marked. Some examples are: I'm dammed to hell forever, dammed into prison, or I have the mark of the dammed.
The word "mediated" has a very simple meaning that is easy to understand. The word "mediated" has a definition meaning to bring calm to an argument by interrupting.
if you mean whats the greek word for baptist the translation is Βαπτιστή but the definition is a religious sect.
If you're asking like bumping into something well then crashing or Running into.
The Urban Dictionary definition for "perreando" is dirty dancing. It is a Spanish word and the exact definition will vary from place to place so it is best to look at multiple sources.
The word "scornfully" is an adverb in the phrase "after scornfully bumping a crest" because it describes how the action of bumping the crest was performed.
The term ''ende'' is a word of Spanish origins. Ende can be translated as hence, or therefore. The word is usually preceded by the Spanish word 'por'.