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Bonds are 'tied' to the money market. Fluctuations in currency exchange rates will alter the price of the bond.

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Q: What would cause bond prices to fluctuate during the life of the bond?
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What does Barack Obama think about oil and gas prices?

I am sure he would like them to be lower. He has also said he would like the United States to be more energy independent as well as using more energy from wind and solar power. Unfortunately, while it is common to blame presidents for the high price of gas, whether under President Bush or President Obama, gas and oil prices often fluctuate, due to production overseas as well as economic conditions in world markets, high demand, oil-producing nations setting prices higher during periods of peak demand, etc.

What is the Monopoly market?

It is when only one company controls the supply in the market allowing them to control prices which may cause an increase prices for consumers. They will be forced to pay higher prices as there are no substitutes for the product. An example would be Microsoft operating in Europe.

How would an overall increase in per capita income most likely impact prices?

Prices would increase.

Why would workers and retirees want to have their wages and benefits indexed to the Consumer Price Index CPI?

To maintain their purchasing power during years of rising prices

What is administered price inflation?

when the government administers or subsidises prices of essential commoditites like rice, oil or even oil and electricity but the global prices are high, then it implies that these domestic prices would take some time to respond or adjust to global prices and in this process, the rate at which the prices respond would lead to inflation implying that it is transmitted through global prices.

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Most likely cause is a failed throttle position sensor.

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Several online sites mentioned discount brakes for your older model Honda Civic. Discount auto sites and after market sites appear to have best prices but sales offers may cause the prices to fluctuate. I would check ebay or another auto auction site and watch prices each day to see if I could get a better deal this way.

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Even though hotel prices are likely to fluctuate, there are some options which are known for their cheap prices. Three places to consider when traveling on a budget are the Cabo Inn, the Bahia, and the Seven Crown hotel.

What is current gold price in India?

Prices fluctuate daily. Current, without a date, is not helpful. This question may be read a year from now. Or more. Giving 'todays' price would not apply.

Is 12oz of gold equals 40 oz of silver?

The prices of precious metal fluctuate rapidly. You would need to find the spot price for each on any given day to find the price equivalence.

What would cause all Gauges and tachometer to fluctuate and warning lights to slowly brighten and then dim during driving while all fluid levels are normal on a 2000 DODGE NEON?

Could likely be a dying battery or bad alternator. I would have your battery checked out. This just happened to me and turned out that my battery was bad.

How can you stop gas prices being expentsive?

Have everybody you know and they know start carpooling, which would really cause gas prices to drop.

In what kinds of situations would one need to use depreciation calculation in real life?

Depreciation calculation can be used when attempting to calculate the values of property. It is important to take note as prices can fluctuate from several factors.

How much would an original piece of Banksy artwork cost?

The prices of Banksy's works fluctuate from 25,000$ to 450,000$ depending on the artwork in question. He does not sell any of his art himself, it's always through leechers.

How much did Bruce Lee weigh when he was born?

Bruce Lee's weight would fluctuate between 130 and 165 pounds. When he would weight train, he would build muscle which would cause a rise in his weight.

How much does Canon S95 cost in Amazon stores?

At present someone would pay around 300 to 500 dollars for a canon S95 at amazon. However as with all products amazon prices can fluctuate on a daily basis.

How much does mayo cost?

As with all commodities prices fluctuate. For the current price, any decent supermarket will run and check for you , should you telephone. I would guess between 2.85- 3.92$ USD for the standard medium size.