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More capital equipment manufacturing

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Q: What was the major changes in the US economy in the 1990s?
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What was the major change in the US economy in the 1990s?

heavier reliance on services

What sector of the US economy grew most during the 1980s and 1990s?

Services(tertiary sector)

How did the 1990s affect the us economy?

During the 1990s, there were many strides made in the technological sector. There was a great increase in the share prices of companies that were in the technology sector.

Which world region had a sharp decline in their economy that triggered the US economic expansion of the 1990s might not continue?


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Why is the US' trade deficit a concern?

The US' trade deficit is a major concern as it directly affects the economy. This is the among the gauges used to judge the competitiveness of the US economy.

What was the relationship with the war of 1812 and economic changes in the us?

the US to become more independant. The US economy was strenghthened tremendously :)

What effect did immigration have on the US economy?

If we are measuring the US economy from 1789 to the present day, the US economy went through many changes in its history. Major events such as wars, Immigration restrictions and sometimes laws that restricted immigration all at some point affected the economy. In the US and in many other industrialized nations that had large amounts of new immigrants, had a major impact on various economies. Speaking generally, immigration in the US and other nations most often brought in peoples of different social & economic backgrounds. For the most part, the economy of the US benefited in that factories were able to expand and had less expensive labor costs. In specific situations, such as the expansion of the US railroad networks in the 19th Century, Chinese and Irish immigrants provided cheap labor for railroad growth. Railroads with cheap labor costs benefited greatly from this. And in terms of the overall US economy, especially after the US Civil War, because the railroad industry was one of the largest components of the US economy, the entire economy benefited regarding profits.

What 3 major initiatives did hoover take to help the economy of the US?

the New Deal was tring to give the economy jobs to work with

What are the major states in southern US?

The major states in the Southern US (determined by population, economy, etc.) are Texas, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia.

What has the US economy made a major shift from in the past 50 years?

manufacturing to services

In the past 50 years the us economy has made a major shift from?

manufacturing to services