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Q: What was the interest rate on a ee bond in 1995?
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what interest rate is paid on EE Bonds?

From May 1, 2009 through October 31, 2009, the EE Bond interest rate is 0.70%.

How much would you pay for a 50 Series EE savings bond Patriot bond?

The value of a 50 Series EE Patriot bond depends on the denomination of the bond, as well as its maturity date and current interest rate. You can check the value of the bond on the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Savings Bond Calculator website using the bond's serial number.

How many years does it take for a series EE 100 bond to mature to full value?

Pretty sure that depends on the interest rate at the time you purchase the EE series bonds. You can look up the value of EE bonds on the internet. You need the bond numbers and it will tell you when it was purchased and the current value and the percentage you are earning.

How much is a series EE US 500 US Treasury bond savings bond worth today?

The value of a Series EE US Treasury savings bond depends on its original purchase date, interest rate, and current market conditions. You can check the value of your specific bond by using the US Treasury's online Savings Bond Calculator.

What type of bond is a EE?

EE bonds are a type of U.S. government savings bond that offers a fixed interest rate over a certain period of time, typically 20 years. They are low-risk investments that are backed by the U.S. government and can be purchased at face value.

How much is your savings bond worth from 1999?

A Series EE savings bond with a denomination of $100 and purchased in June 1999 would currently be valued at $77.72. Since the issue price is $50 for a $100 denomination savings bond, the purchaser of a bond in 1999 has accumulated $27.72 in interest. The interest rate on EE bonds issued in 1999 is variable and based on the yield of 5-year treasury securities. The current rate for a savings bond purchased in 1999 is only 0.63%. An interesting feature of the E Series savings bonds purchased in 1999 is that the government guarantees that the bond will be worth its face value at 17 years. For the example discussed above, the savings bond purchased for $50 in 1999 would be worth at least $100 in 2016.

What are the 2 types of savings bonds?

The two types of savings bonds are Series EE and Series I. Series EE bonds are purchased at face value and accrue interest over time, while Series I bonds earn interest based on a combination of a fixed rate and an inflation rate.

Will a Series EE savings Bond pay interest beyond its maturity date?

Upon maturity the Series EE savings bond stops paying interest which brings up an interesting option for holders of matured savings bonds. Since the banks are paying close to zero on savings there is really no financial penalty for holding the Series EE bonds past the maturity date. In addition, federal tax on the interest earned on the savings bonds are not due until the bonds are actually cashed in which gives the holder the flexibility of shifting income to a particular year. For someone nearing retirement and holding Series EE bonds which have matured it would probably make sense to hold off on cashing in the bonds until retirement when the bond holder would probably have lower income and thus a lower tax rate.

What rates do US Saving Bonds offer?

The current interest rates of US Saving Bonds are 0.2 percent for Series EE Bonds. Series I Bonds have interest rate of 1.18 percent. Series HH Bonds have interest rate of 1.5 percent.

When was EE Technologies created?

EE Technologies was created in 1995.

I have a couple of EE bonds. Current value each $8960. Can they go down in value?

yes check the bond rate website for current values

What is a patriot bond?

Patriot Bonds are Series EE savings bonds, which are specially inscribed with the words "Patriot Bond." The Patriot Bond series will begin December 11, 2001. Bonds increase in value every month, and interest is compounded semiannually. You can cash your bond after six months. Bonds cashed before they are five years old are subject to a 3-month interest penalty.