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Q: What was the brown party position on industry and agriculture?
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Shadow chancellor of the exchequer?

The rival to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, belonging to the opposing party. The Shadow Chancellor has no power outside their party, but may investigate and question the current Chancellor's policies and suggest alternatives. Alan Johnson MP, of the Labour Party currently holds this position.

How did the effects differ between industry and agriculture?

Significant changes weren't fully implemented until 1929 with the end of NEP (New Economic Policy). When Lenin died, Stalin continued this policy while instituting what is called Collectivization. It was a manner with which to collectively bring all aspects of life under the control of the government to ensure stability and efficiency of all aspects of agriculture and industry.Industry was already highly controlled by the Bolshevik government since they always stood for the workers, but they viewed the peasants, profiting off their farms while the workers starved as being unjust. They therefore collectivized the farmland and turned the farms into agricultural factories. All of Soviet society was made to run like a machine (in theory).When considering Lenin and Stalin, changes can be seen in the institution of NEP in the first place as Lenin had begun to decline in health and Stalin capitalized on his weakened state by assuming the prime role of leadership in the party... Stalin's changes to agriculture and industry have nothing to do with Lenin, merely another example of Stalin manipulated the situation to meet his own needs.Read more: Why_did_Stalin_immediately_begin_to_change_agriculture_and_industry_after_succeeding_Lenin_in_1924

What type of economy did federalists want for the u.s.?

The Federalist party wanted a high-quality economy, of big businesses, and strong industry. Unlike the Democrats the Federalist's believed in a strong federal government. So that basically means all the Federalist's cared about was money$.

What party is known as the party of prosperity during the 1920's?

the republican party

Does the Republican Party espouse a classical laissez faire ideology?

No. The party that espouse a classical laissez faire is the Libertarian party.

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The green party position in Industry and agriculture is 35-50% of climate destabilizing greenhouse gases that are produced are the green party position.

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Why did communist party choose corn and sickle as its party symbol?

First, I'm pretty sure it's the hammer and sickle. Second, the hammer represents industry, and the sickle, agriculture. In other words, they represent the workers that keep a nation running.

What political party was supported by farmers and agriculture interests?

The Republican Party in the United States has historically been supported by farmers and agriculture interests. This support is often based on the party's policies promoting free-market principles, limited government intervention in agriculture, and lower taxes.

What party believed in an emphasis on agriculture?

the democratic-republican party led by thomas Jefferson

What party is it Gordon Brown in?

The Labour Party.

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What party does prime minister Gordon Brown represent?

Gordon Brown is a member of the Labour Party

When was American Third Position Party created?

American Third Position Party was created on 2010-01-05.

A statement about a political party's position on the issues is called a?

A statement about a political party and their position on issues is called a platform.

Why did the Republican Party Platform of 1860 anger the south?

The Republican Party supported a stronger federal government, the abolition of slavery, and high tariffs. The south was mostly Democratic, which supported states rights, slavery, and low tariffs. The south did not want to loose their slaves because they were used mostly for agriculture. Agriculture was the southern states' main industry. Finally, The Republicans' protective tariff policy had a negative affect on the southern economy.

What was Abraham Lincoln's political position?

Republican Party Republican Party