0.30-0.35 Pound. It was happend in 1985.
As of December 21st, 2008... The exchange rate of a Indian Rupee to a U.S Dollar is... 1 U.S dollar=4702.5 Indian Rupees
In France the Euro is used. Its exchange rate per 1 US dollar is 0.68 Euros
The current exchange rate between Iraqi Dinar and the US dollar as of April 2013 is 1 US dollar equals 1162.2483 Iraqi Dinar. This rate is based on the April 29 exchange rate.
The exchange rate for the pound to the dollar, as of the middle of 2013, is approximately 1.54 US dollars to 1 pound. This rate has remained stable for the past few years.
0.30-0.35 Pound. It was happend in 1985.
dollar exchange rate to malaysian ringitt
Assuming the question is about the exchange rate between the UAE Dirham and US Dollar - that would be 36.6 DHS. DHS has a fixed exchange rate with USD. It is 3.66 DHS for 1 USD.
what is the exchange rate for one Canadian dollar in iceland
As of December 21st, 2008... The exchange rate of a Indian Rupee to a U.S Dollar is... 1 U.S dollar=4702.5 Indian Rupees
Exchange rate is the converter of dollar into a rupee.
When the dollar is under a flexible exchange rate regime
To find the Canadian exchange rate on the US dollar, you can go to the website of compare FX rates. On this site, you just need to select the currency, and you will get the exchange rate.
The exchange rate is one Australian dollar for 0.9053 USD.
1 dollar is 87.427 yen