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In 6127,Jehangir's signed a commercial treaty with british. He did not realise that the fight between the eurpeans for control of trade with India would eventually laed to overthrow of the mughal empire.......

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Q: What was Jehangir's decision to sign a commercial agreement with the British a bad idea?
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Why was Jahangir's decision to sign a commercial agreement with the British a bad idea?

Mughal emperor Jahangir signed a commercial agreement with British East India Company and allowed them to establish trading posts in Surat and later on in Bombay, Calcutta and even Bengal. The company slowly monopolized trade in India and even expanded militarily. East India Company's forces crushed resistance from local rulers and grew in influence and power and eventually weakened the Mughal rule in sub-continent.

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The name of the agreement referred to in the question was the Munich Agreement. The term used to describe the policy and/or philosophy behind it was appeasement.