

What trees make paper?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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11y ago

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Wood pulp-which produces paper-comes from softwood trees such as spruce, pine, fir, larch, and hemlock trees. Wood pulp also comes from hardwoods such as eucalyptus, aspen, and birch trees.

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If trees produce paper and money is made of paper cant money grow on trees?

Okay, money is not, in any real sense, "made of paper". Sure, it's printed on paper (though calling the substance money is printed on "paper" is a bit misleading, because there's actually a large amount of cotton present in that "paper". But, what makes money money is the fact that the government proclaims it to be "legal tender". So, in the only sense that matters, money is made out of government proclamation, not paper. Moreover, trees do not produce paper directly. They produce wood. Humans produce paper by processing the wood (and, in the case of the paper used to print money, cotton as well). And humans make money by printing numbers, words, and the pictures of dead Presidents on the paper. The biological processes going on inside a tree, complex as they are, cannot duplicate these human processes. So, "money", even if it was nothing more than the paper and ink that went into physically producing the bills, still could not grow on trees.

What are shredding services used for?

Shredding service are used to shred big trees that are cut down and then they are turned into paper or over produce that involves paper shredding services are also used to shred paper

What is the importance of reuse?

The importance of reuse?!? We need to reuse because if we don't it could cause more pollution. And reusing paper is important because it saves trees and trees give us oxygen.

What is the economic advantage of using recycled paper?

If you use recycled paper instead of new paper it means less trees are cut down which means more oxygen is released into the environment and more carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) is used up.

Why is forestry good?

Beacuse trees are stupid ! they make good chairs though ;)