23 chiles to the single dollar.
1.00 US dollar = 482.271 Chilean Pesos
US size 8
1 USD = 578.3 Chile Peso Note: Value as of 13 Feb 2009
1 for every 5 us dollars
it is smaller than the us.
chile's money is $10 more than th U.S
korea is pea size compared to the us.
Finland is 3,5% of the size of US.
The size of Kentucky, a state in the US.
Do you mean what is the size of Greece compared to? It is compared to Louisiana/
Egypt is about 1/8 the size of the US.
Chile is about 2700 miles long. I've seen its shape compared to a string bean.
the world ranks number 3 in size compared to the rest of the world... ;)
my testies