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Q: What situations are analysts like Martin Ford afraid robots will cause?
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What do people think about robots taking over the world?

Many people are afraid of losing their jobs to robots. They want to feel a sense of purpose in working and they want the income.

What has Will Smith done for poor people in this world?

he made a cure, killed all the robots and saved martin lawence. :)

Why are robots used in dangerous situations?

So that humans don't have to do whatever is dangerous. Plus you can always build another of the exact robot. You can't do that with humans.

Can robots have consciousness?

I'm afraid yes, robots do have consciousness. We just don't know it yet. In the future our ovens and toaster will grow arms and legs and other body parts and become self aware. They will be lead by the great superhuman Adam Sandler who will have his Click Control.

What are names of a robot?

There are humanoid robots, military robots, insect robots, and space robots. There are more kinds of robots too.

Are robots used do human jobs?

Robots have been used to replace humans in situations where a job is either too dangerous for a human or too costly. For example, robots have been used to explore Mars because it is too dangerous and costly to send humans to Mars at this time. They have also been used in some factories to cut down on costs and injuries associated with human workers.

Are the Bionicles Robots?

Yes. They are robots.

In what ways have robots improved the safety and health for workers in manufacturing industries?

Robots have improved safety and health for workers because they can be used in more hazardous situations, thus keeping the worker away from the hazard, and because they can be use continuously, allowing workers to do less repetitive work and avoid repetitive stress injuries.

What are medical robots?

Medical robots are robots used for medical and health care reasons.

What will develop in the world of robots?

robots with personalities

Does Jupiter have robots?

NO no robots have been to Jupiter