

Best Answer

Ø operating

Ø financing

Ø investing

Ø marketing

Ø selling

Ø accounting


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Q: What similar activities are performed by most businesses?
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Is there chambers of commerce everywhere?

There are chambers of commerce in most cities where there are businesses running. Those that do not probably have organisations serving similar purposes with different names.

What does prioritization provide through task analysis?

Prioritization provides a list, or knowledge of, tasks or activities in the most desirable order they should be performed.

How do most businesses police themselves?

Most businesses police themselves by distributing codes of ethics.

Do most businesses use a functional or matrix organizational structure?

Most businesses use a functional organizational structure.

Do businesses still make their employees attend a business writing class?

Most businesses do not. That has not become as important to businesses.

What are the uses of the lists?

The use of the lists create fun activities, give people rank, & they give creative ability to position people. Unique lists have also rank companies that are top in most businesses.

What types of businesses have had the most startups in the past decade?

service and trade businesses

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Most businesses seen in the modern world will be found in Ecuador.

What do surveys do?

They map all of Great Britain, creating both paper and digital maps that are used by consumer, businesses and government for leisure activities, planning construction and engineering works, predicting flooding and much more. While most people think of the paper maps initially, most of their income comes from licencing data to businesses, local and central government.

Roman baths are similar to what modern public place today?

Roman baths are similar to modern day sauna's. Though not as private as its modern day equivelent, bathing was one of the most common daily activities in Roman culture.