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They get to choose to control everything.

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Ivy Kreiger

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Q: What role is government in capitalism?
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Briefly explain the role of government in market capitalism today?


What are the traits of capitalism market system?

The traits would be that of property ownership, free enterprise, market mechanism and limited government role.

What is the government role in a capitalism society?

The state has several roles to play in capitalism. Firstly, it exists to protest the interests and power of the capitalist class against the working class. Also, since capitalism is a fairly anarchic system in some ways, a political establishment is required to bring some order to what would otherwise be a very unstable situation politically and economically.

What theory of economics that believes government should not play a role in business and supports the laissez-faire principle of free to do.?

Capitalism which was proposed by Adam Smith

What theory of economics believes that government should not play a role in business and supports the laissez-faire principle of free to do?

Capitalism which was proposed by Adam Smith

What is a form of capitalism in which the government does not intervene?

The form of capitalism without any government intervention is called LAISSEZ-FAIRE ECONOMICS.

Who provided the ideas of capitalism?

the government

Why do some people think capitalism is the best form of government?

Capitalism is not a form of government. Communism is not a form of government. Socialism is not a form of government. All three of those are economic forms, not forms of government.

How does an economy play a large role in the form of government a nation in use?

Economies can be completely controlled to entirely benefit the government, such as communism or dictatorships. Or the economy can be free will, like capitalism, which will prosper the people and businesses

What is astro capitilism?

Astro Capitalism is a state in which all government is lead by corporations. Astro Capitalism is a state in which all government is lead by corporations.

What is the difference between pure capitalism and modified capitalism?

Free-market capitalism is based on free markets, private ownership of the means of production, and limited regulations and some government provided goods and services. Mixed capitalism has more heavily regulated markets, mainly private ownership of the means of production but also features a greater role for state-owned enterprises, and usually has economic intervention in markets to correct market failures. Both are similar in that they are both based on the process of capital accumulation, both systems attempt to maximize private profits, and both are mainly privately-owned.

What is need in order capitalism to work?

Capitalism requires a few conditions: 1) A well-educated consumer 2) Lack of fraud or monopolies 3) Government's only role is breaking monopolies and preventing fraud (e.g. No taxes, no public education, no public healthcare, social security, etc.) No countries truly have capitalism.