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California remained the No. 1 state in cash farm receipts in 2009, with its $34.8 billion in revenue representing 12.3 percent of the U.S. total.

-Wesley chou

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Q: What percent of all agriculture goods do California farmers produce in the US?
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How much percent of the world's rice do Asian farmers produce?

its about 90% of the worlds rice

How is intensive subsistence agriculture distinguished from extensive subsistence cropping?

Subsistence agriculture is that in which the farmers use or consume most of what they produce, rather than selling it in a market (commercial agriculture). Intensive subsistence agriculture refers to subsistence agriculture that supports a large number of people on a relatively small parcel of land (i.e., high physiological density). The primary example of intensive subsistence agriculture would be rice growing, such as that found in East, South and Southeast Asia. Extensive subsistence agriculture, on the other hand, is that which requires a lot of land to support relatively few people (i.e., low physiological density). Examples of this type include shifting cultivation/swidden agriculture (or slash and burn) and pastoral nomadism.

Advantages and disadvantages of agriculture?

Agriculture is something the human race could not live without. It is how people produce much needed foods and materials.

What was the major reason that small farmers left their farms to work in factories?

First of all, the pay in factories was much greater than that of farmers at the time. Also, the income was more steady in factories because it did not depend on environmental conditions like the production of crops does. There were also more opportunities in the city for education for their children. Finally, as agriculture became more mechanized, smaller farmers now had to compete with larger farmers who had much faster machines and larger land and could produce more crops on less land in less time.

What are the main goods produced by California?


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Do Asian farmers produce fifty percent seventy-five percent or ninety percent of the worlds rice?

they produce about 90%

Do Asian farmers produce about 50 percent of the worlds rice?

no, they produce 90%

How has agriculture affect the us?

Agriculture in the United States is another way business. As a business, agriculture helps boost the economy when farmers sell their produce.

What type of agriculture is in djibouti?

In Djibouti farmers practice both commercial and subsistence agriculture. Some farmers further in the countryside are subsistence farmers and only farm enough to feed their family; however, other farmers closer to central markets and produce shops practice commercial farming and sell their produce in the market. Due to Djibouti's scarce water supply and arid climate, farmers use irrigated and seasonal agriculture.

What is Maryland's agriculture?

farmers produce, apples, chicken, and peaches is the Main agriculture of maryland.

What percent do Asian farmers produce the world rice?


The farmers of Taiwan produce about how much percent of Taiwan's food?


How does agriculture develops ancient Egypt?

Agriculture encourages the development because when farmers produce food surpluses, the society's economy begins to expand and also becomes richer.

What can you do with agriculture?

You can do a lot with agriculture. Over half of the jobs in the world deal with agriculture in one way or another. With agriculture you can produce food to eat or sell or you can manage farms by either working on a farm or by checking a farmers finances. With agriculture there are endless possibilities.

How much percent of the world's rice do Asian farmers produce?

its about 90% of the worlds rice

How did agriculture revolution contribute to start of the industrial revolution?

It reduced the number of farmers a country needed to produce enough food.

How have petroleum-based products such as fertilizer impacted agriculture in the US?

Fertilizers have helped farmers produce more and healthier crops.