that would generally sell in the $100 to $200 range
IF your bill has a brown seal and says "National Currency", its retail value ranges from about $30 if very worn up to $200 if in nearly new condition.
How much is 200 pound sterling worth in 1920
How much is 200 pound sterling worth in 1920
In general a 1928 $2 bill is worth only $2.50-$20, but if the bill is a "star note" it is worth considerably more.
200 $$
an 1820 bank note will be worth at least $200, as long as it looks nice
These are generally worth $100 to $200 depending on condition.
In perfect, crisp, uncirculated condition it is worth $200. In normal used condition, it is worth exactly $50.
There is no $200 bill
that would generally sell in the $100 to $200 range
No. While there are $2 and $20 bills, there is not, nor was there ever a $200.
It is really impossible to say without knowing the condition of your bill. Condition is everything and can mean the difference between a $20 bill and a $200.
IF your bill has a brown seal and says "National Currency", its retail value ranges from about $30 if very worn up to $200 if in nearly new condition.
The ring could be worth $200.
it depends what condition it is in if it is in great condition it would be worth around $500/bad condition $200