Hai mừơi đồng literally means two-ten dollars, or 20 dollars.
To convert 20,000 Vietnamese dong (VND) to euros (EUR), you would first need to know the current exchange rate between VND and EUR. As of my last update, the exchange rate is approximately 1 VND to 0.000037 EUR. Therefore, 20,000 VND would be equivalent to 0.74 EUR (20,000 VND x 0.000037 EUR/VND = 0.74 EUR).
Hai mừơi đồng literally means two-ten dollars, or 20 dollars.
viet nam currency 50,000 ka indian value kya hai
1000 dollars
Dong Hai District's population is 130,557.
Shanghai Dong Hai Plaza was created in 2004.
The area of Dong Hai District is 550 square kilometers.
how much is 2000 hai nghin dong to a indian money
The cast of Zao an dong ri hai - 2012 includes: Rongxuan Ren
Shi San Hai Ye has written: 'Zhen dong mo'