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This is called the Exchange Rate. You can look up exchange rates in newspapers, or in the internet.

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Q: What is the value of currency in one country compared with the value of currency in another?
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The value of one's country's currency as compared to another country's currency?

Floating exchange rate

When the value of a country's currency goes up compared to another country's currency that is considered a?

First of all - your punctuation. You need a comma after the second "currency" so as not to confuse whether 'value' or 'currency' is the point - "When the value of a country's currency goes up compared to another country's currency, that is considered a...?" Bad thing, as the cost of goods and services of 'Currency A' go up when compared to 'Currency B.' People will want things priced in Currency B, perceiving them cheaper than Currency A goods and services.

What is an exchange rate used for?

An exchange rate if the value of currency of one country compared to that of Another Country. For example, it would be the value of a US Dollar measured by the value of Mexican Pesos.

What is exchanged rate used for?

An exchange rate if the value of currency of one country compared to that of Another Country. For example, it would be the value of a US Dollar measured by the value of Mexican Pesos.

What is the definition of devaluation of Indian currency?

The definition of devaluation of Indian currency is the loss of the value of the currency. This is a an adjustment of the country's currency value downwards compared to other major currencies in the world.

How the currency value of each country decided?

How well their economy is doing determines what the value of their currency compared to other currencies. If it is doing well it is high but if it is doing badly it is low.

What is the difference between a fixed currency and a floating currency?

A fixed currency is used in countries where the value of the money is closely tied to the value of gold, or the value of another country's currency. A floating currency is one that changes depending on the state of the market, i. e. supply and demand.

What is a procedure for determining the value of one country's currency in terms of another country's currency?

Exchange-rates fluctuate daily. Look for an on-line exchange rate calculator.

What represents the value of one nation's currency relative to the currencies of another country?

Exchange Rate

If consumers from Country X greatly increase their purchases of products from Country Y the value of these two countries currencies relative to one another will change in what way?

Assuming there are no other changes that the one stated, the value of the currency of country X will decline relative to the value of the currency of country Y.

What is forex exchange?

A Foreign exchange, or Forex, is the conversion of one country's currency into that of another. In a free economy, a country's currency is valued according to factors of supply and demand. In other words, a currency's value can be pegged to another country's currency, such as the U.S. dollar, or even to a basket of currencies. A country's currency value also may be fixed by the country's government. ' Foreign exchange is handled globally between banks and all transactions fall under the auspice of the Bank of International Settlements.

Is FX currencey trading also know as FOREX currency trading?

FX currency is also known as FOREX currency trading. It is regarded as the value of a country's currency in comparison to another country. Exchange rates are determine by foreign markets.