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The U.S. did not mint any dollars for circulation between 1804 and 1835 inclusive. There are however millions of counterfeit and fantasy pieces with "impossible" dates and designs, mostly made in the Far East.

If your coin says it is a U.S. $1 piece with the date of 1812, you can be sure that what you have is one of the latter items.

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Q: What is the value of a lightly worn 1812 silver dollar?
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What did economic opportunities after the War of 1812 include?

Economic opportunities after the War of 1812 included growth of the textile industry in most places. This is what translated into the increased production of cotton.

What effect did trade embargoes and the War of 1812 have on American industry?

Effects of Embargo Act: 1. American ships were no longer allowed to sail to foreign ports and 2 the act closed American parts to British ship. War of 1812- manufacture increased. the war boosted manufacturing because of a lack of goods caused by the interruption of trade. after the war, American dependence on imports dropped slightly as Americans became more self sufficient

Both nationalism and sectionalism increased during the Era of Good Feelings How did these beliefs develop concurrently and did one have a greater impact on the politics and economics of the period?

Under Monroe's Presidency the War of 1812 occurred , which boosted the nationalism of our nascent country, but at the same time issues of slavery rose and sectionalism intensified. Out of the two, nationalism was of greater importance because it allowed the nation grow economically and politically.

What were to political and economic causes of the War of 1812?

The United States had a low upkeep of money after spending their currency on military material. The causes led to war because the British leaders didn't accept the offering of United State's so called "bagels or dabloons"(medium semi-gold block.) So the united state's titans were offering to take them. This improved American freedom and the "bagels" improved manufacturing of candy, meat, etc. - from Joey P.

Why protective tariffs created sectional disagreements?

When Congress passed protective tariffs to help Northern industries develop, many Southerners were forced to pay higher prices for imported goods they needed. The tariffs being high, caused the South to buy almost strictly from Northern industries and often those prices were high as well. This issue divided the North and the South. As far back as President Jackson's time, South Carolina, as an example tried too nullify US tariff laws.

Related questions

What is the value of an 1812 US silver dollar?

No US silver dollars were minted for circulation from 1804 to 1835 inclusive. If your coin says ONE DOLLAR and is dated 1812 it's either a fantasy coin, a bullion "round" or one of the many fakes that have come from Asia during the last couple of decades.

How much is a 1812 silver dollar worth?

Sorry but no U.S. one dollar coins were struck in 1812. Look at the coin again and post new question.

What is the value of a 1812 silver coin hafl dollar?

This coin needs to be seen for an accurate assessment of value. Most all early U.S. coins have varieties or types for the same year. The 1812 Capped Bust half dollar has 3 and the values are very different. For this reason, take it to a coin dealer for a value. If the coin is still in collectible condition (has not been cleaned or altered) it should have a minimum retail value of $50.00.

What is the value of a 1812 dime?

There are no US dimes dated 1812.

What is the value of an 1812 Indian head penny?

Please check again and post a new question. Indian head cents were minted from 1859 to 1909. All cents minted in 1812 were Large Cents, about the size of a half dollar.

What is the value of an 1812 US dime?

The US didn't make any dimes dated 1812.

What is the value now of 6 million dollars in 1812?

103.5 million dollars.

What is the value of 5 francs 1812?

about £50 in average condition,rising to £95 for mint.

What is the value of an 1812 gold coin?

Please post a new question with the coin's denomination.

Value liberty 1812 US one cent piece?

Wow! - you possess a Classic Head Large Cent - a 1812 coin in good condition (G4) is worth: $55.00. In moderately-worn (F12) condition its value goes up to about $250.

What is the value of 1812 soldier name coin?

Please post a new question with the denomination of the coin.

What is the value of an 1804 British Guinea?

The Royal Mint produced no Guinea coins from 1800 to 1812 inclusive.