If your asking about a American Silver Eagle $1 bullion coin the current value is about $30.00.
Its value is based on the ounce of silver it contains, plus a small premium. As of 6/2012 you could get about $30 for it. Current silver prices can be seen at www.kitco.com
The value of a Silver Eagle coins is determined by the spot price of silver which right now is $29.23 which would be what your coin is worth, with perhaps another dollar added depending on condition for the coin itself.
It's a 2000 one-ounce Silver Eagle bullion coin and as of today is about $18.00
The coin is an American Silver Eagle that's one ounce of pure silver. The value is tied to the spot price of one ounce of silver at the time of sale. As of 4-6-11 it's $39.28 at 10:30 am.
A 2003 American Eagle Bullion Dollar in MS65 condition is: $24.00.
Value is about $18.00
A 1992 American Eagle Bullion Silver Dollar in MS65 condition is worth: $24.00.
As of today the value is about $17.00 it's a bullion coin and the value is just for the silver. FYI it's called a Silver Eagle or American Silver Eagle coin
Current value as of 10-14-10 is $24.00
Retail price $22.00
A 1992 American Eagle Bullion Silver Dollar in MS65 condition is worth: $24.00.
A "colorized" silver eagle has no numismatic collectible value, but it's still one ounce of silver that's worth about $30.00.
The value of these bullion pieces is normally based on one ounce of silver, which currently has a spot price of around $14.
This is a American Silver Eagle bullion coin. The fact it has been colorized destroys the numismatic collectible value of the coin. The piece still has a value of about $30.00 for the silver it contains.
You are probably asking about American Eagle silver dollars. These are worth about the spot price of silver. Currently they are worth about $32.