The exchange rate is currently: 1 British Pound equals 1.52 US Dollar
As at 11Oct09 1 British Pound was worth 1.5820 US Dollars.
100 British pounds is worth approximately $160, as of June 2014. The British pound has been increasing in value while the American dollar has been decreasing in value.
As of 31Dec90 GBP1 was worth USD1.9350 starting 1990 on 01Jan90 at 1.6060.
20 dollars in the british virgin islands
what is the value of 1958 British Columbia $1.00 coin worth.
There was no 1926 British "Trade Dollar" minted.
All I want to know is how much does the 1858-1958 canadian silver dollar british columbia edition coin cost
Britain did not produce a "Dollar" coin.
The exchange rate is currently: 1 British Pound equals 1.52 US Dollar
Maybe one dollar to a collector.
The value of the pound today July 24, 2014 against the dollar is $1.70. This refers to the British pound in comparison to the US dollar.
1 US dollar is worth 0.689 pounds. 1 pound is worth $1.4327
A particularly nice one might sell for a dollar.
As at 11Oct09 1 British Pound was worth 1.5820 US Dollars.
100 British pounds is worth approximately $160, as of June 2014. The British pound has been increasing in value while the American dollar has been decreasing in value.