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Check the date again and it should say 1943. This was the only year steel pennies were made. Ask how much a 1943 steel penny is worth and you should find the answer. If an answer doesn't come up there should be on in the related questions section.

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Q: What is the value of a 1939 steel wheat penny?
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Related questions

What is the value of a 1939 wheat penny with s mark?

The value depends on the grade of the coin, the 1939-S Lincoln is not rare, retail values are from 25 cents to $1.50 for circulated coins.

What is the value of a 1939 Lincoln wheat penny?

You can retrieve this information by going to the following link:

How much would you get for 1939 wheat penny?

0.15-0.50 $

What is the value of a 1939 Eire Penny?

There was no 1939 Eire (Irish) Penny minted.

Value of 1939 Wheat Penny?

sorry, but it is only worth 2 to 4 cents, i also have one, and was expecting some good cash.

I have a 1939 us cent that appears to be dipped in zinc or silver. It looks like a silver coin but you can see copper on the edge. Is it an error coin.?

It is a normal wheat penny made of copper. The only year wheat pennies were not copper is 1943 which is a zinc-plated steel penny.

What is a 1939 penny with one cent on back worth?

1939 is a common date wheat penny, most coins in average condition are valued at 3 to 10 cents.

1939 us penny value?

1939 Lincoln with no mint mark, average value is 5 to 10 cents.

What is the value of a 1939 B wheat pennie?

one cent

What does a wheat penny from 1939 look like?

They all look the same except for different dates and mintmarks. Lincoln on the obverse and Wheat Ears on the reverse.

How much is a 1939 wheat penny worth?

It's a common date, currently worth around 10 cents.

How Much is a 1939 Steel American Pennie Worth?

Penny, not pennie; Bronze, not steel. If you have a 1939 cent that appears to be steel it's almost certainly plated. In any case, if it were steel it would stick to a magnet so that's the first thing to check.