The average price of Caterpillar stock would depend on the time frame one is calculating the price of Caterpillar stock. As pf July 12, 2013 the price of Caterpillar stock was $87.17 US Dollars.
As of Jan 7, the price for the Air Canada Stock is $2.55.
market price
The market price is the current amount the stock is selling at on the New York Stock Exchange, the AMEX or any other global exchange.
In isolation, the current stock price tells you how much money you have to produce if you want some of it. More important is the price of stock over time.
Sebastien Cuk is 6' 0".
Princess Cruises is now owned by Carnival Cruises. This division of Carnival is traded under the stock symbol CUK on the New York Stock Exchange.
Janez Cuk died on July 7, 1964, in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Janez Cuk was born on June 24, 1933, in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Ex-stock price is that price which is immediately deliverable at that price and not price qouted is for stock price of item.
As of July 2014, the market cap for Carnival Corporation (CUK) is $30,063,453,865.73.
The closing price of a stock is the price that the final trade for a stock during the standard market hours was made.
The ticker symbol for Carnival is CCL as traded on the New York Stock Exchange and CCL as traded on the London Stock Exchange. It can also be traded on the New York Stock Exchange as represented on the London Stock Exchange by using the symbol CUK Note: Carnival also owns Princess Cruises
What was the stock price of GM stock in November 1966?Read more:What_was_the_stock_price_of_GM_stock_in_November_1966
The closing price of a stock is how much a stock is worth after a specific day of trading.
Closing price (Last). The final price of JLJ stock for the day.
graph of stock price