Indian Rupee and its exchange rate historically - 1950 - 4.79 Indian Rupees to 1 American dollar 1955 - 4.79 Indian Rupees to 1 American dollar 1960 - 4.77 Indian Rupees to 1 American dollar 1965 - 4.78 Indian Rupees to 1 American dollar 1970 - 7.56 Indian Rupees to 1 American dollar 1975 - 8.39 Indian Rupees to 1 American dollar 1975 - 8.39 Indian Rupees 1980 - 7.86 Indian Rupees 1985 - 12.36 Indian Rupees 1990 - 17.50 Indian Rupees 1995 - 32.42 Indian Rupees 2000 - 44.94 Indian Rupees 2000 - 44.94 Indian Rupees 2005 - 44.09 Indian Rupees 2010 - 44 to 50 Indian Rupees.
The exchange rate one hundred baisa to Indian rupees is 1 baisa being equal to 129.38 rupee. This means that 100 baisa is equal to 12.94 rupees.
As of Dec 1 st 2011, 1 US DOLLAR = 51.65 INDIAN RUPEES the american currency has increased from the 2008 currency rate of 1 dollar is equal to 39.48 rupees
60.17 Indian Rupees is one US Dollar.
1 cent (US) is equal to 0.67 Indian Rupees.
Indian Rupee and its exchange rate historically - 1950 - 4.79 Indian Rupees to 1 American dollar 1955 - 4.79 Indian Rupees to 1 American dollar 1960 - 4.77 Indian Rupees to 1 American dollar 1965 - 4.78 Indian Rupees to 1 American dollar 1970 - 7.56 Indian Rupees to 1 American dollar 1975 - 8.39 Indian Rupees to 1 American dollar 1975 - 8.39 Indian Rupees 1980 - 7.86 Indian Rupees 1985 - 12.36 Indian Rupees 1990 - 17.50 Indian Rupees 1995 - 32.42 Indian Rupees 2000 - 44.94 Indian Rupees 2000 - 44.94 Indian Rupees 2005 - 44.09 Indian Rupees 2010 - 44 to 50 Indian Rupees.
1 Us-dollar is approximately 50 Indian Rupees. At current exchange rate $49.95 equals 2448,65 indian Rupees
1 Phillipine Peso = 1.00393 Indian Rupees Exchange Rate as of 7th feb 2010
The exchange rate one hundred baisa to Indian rupees is 1 baisa being equal to 129.38 rupee. This means that 100 baisa is equal to 12.94 rupees.
To convert Indian Rupees to British Pounds, divide the amount in Rupees by the current exchange rate. As of September 2021, the exchange rate is around 100 Indian Rupees to 1 British Pound. Therefore, 1.30 lakh Rupees would be approximately £1,300.
As of Dec 1 st 2011, 1 US DOLLAR = 51.65 INDIAN RUPEES the american currency has increased from the 2008 currency rate of 1 dollar is equal to 39.48 rupees
1 US Cent is appx equal to 0.40 Indian Rupees. (at exchange rate of 1USD = 40 Indian Rupees). - Neeraj Sharma
1 sr
60.17 Indian Rupees is one US Dollar.
Currently, 1 Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) = 0.1287 United States Dollars (USD)The exchange rate is 1 USD = 7.7729 HKD.
8.41 Rupees = 1 Danish Krone ( as per the exchagne rate on 23-Jan-2009)
1 cent (US) is equal to 0.67 Indian Rupees.