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production function is relation between firm's production and material factors of production

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Q: What is the production function and types of production function?
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What is short run production function?

if at-least one factor of production is constant, production function is infact short-run production function

What are the production function of Mc Donalds?

what is mcdonalds production function

What are the Different types of resources that economists list as factors of production?

labor, capital, technology are the main ones. think of the production function y = f(K,L)

What sources shift production function?

s shift in production function

What is the use of production function?

In microeconomics, a production function asserts that the maximum output of a technologically determined production process is a mathematical production of input factors of production.

What are different type of function?

There are a few different types of a functional budget. These include a sales budget, production budget, and a purchase budget.

What is the managerial use of production function?

In microeconomics, a production function asserts that the maximum output of a technologically determined production process is a mathematical production of input factors of production.

How does one figure the production function of their company?

One would have to figure out the production function of their company pretty early on. The production involves the things they make, and the function is what the product does.

How do you derive a cost function for a production function?

derive cost function from production function mathematically, usually done by utilizing mathematical optimization methods.

What are the different types of statistical analysis used in the estimation of production function?

Time series Analysis Cross-section Analysis Engineering Analysis

Define production function?

Production function refers to the functional relationship between (physical) input and (physical) output

If production set is convex then production function is concave?
