It really depends on the area in the state. Generally $1,600 to $3,000 an acre. You won't find any cheaper than that, unless someone is really hurting for the cash, but in major cities it can run as high $5,000 an acre or a bit more if the lot is located in a prime building area.
The cheapest land with no timber or structures in Mississippi is roughly $800 to $1200 an acre. Land with timber is closer to $1500 to $2500 an acre.
Can you be more specific? An acre of land in downtown Charlotte is going to cost more than an acre in Wilson NC.........
This would obviously depend on where in Louisiana you are buying this acre of land. An acre in New Orleans' Garden District is worth more than an acre at the Arkansas border for example.
The price of land depends on which island, and WHERE on the island.
The average price of an acre of land in Mississippi can vary widely based on location, quality of land, and other factors. However, as a rough estimate, the average price can range from $1,000 to $5,000 per acre in Mississippi.
The land of Kentucky has different variables in price. The average price per acre of land in Burnside Kentucky is between $3000 and $5000 dollars.
The cheapest land with no timber or structures in Mississippi is roughly $800 to $1200 an acre. Land with timber is closer to $1500 to $2500 an acre.
Can you be more specific? An acre of land in downtown Charlotte is going to cost more than an acre in Wilson NC.........
The average price of an acre of land in Summers County WV mountain side is $19,900.
An acre of land in Sedgwick, Kansas, can range from $3,937 to more thanÊ$14,000 per acre. The price depends on whether or not the land can be parceled from a larger section of land or not.
Depending on exact location, an acre of land will be around 30,000 to 50,000 an acre. In high demand areas, the acreage can go up to 100,000 per acre.
This would obviously depend on where in Louisiana you are buying this acre of land. An acre in New Orleans' Garden District is worth more than an acre at the Arkansas border for example.
Depends really on where at in St. Louis County. The range can be anywhere from about $20,000 an acre to $300,000 an acre. Deep north and south county have the lowest property values, with the highest being central township through the I-40 western corridor.