About 25 lbs. per person per year.
GDP per capita in Romania, in 2009: an estimate is 11 500 US $.
about $3,200 us
As of 2011, the highest per-capita GDP was in Argentina, followed by Chile and Uruguay. (Uruguay in particular has been ranked high for several years, while in Argentina there has been an up-and-down cycle in the 21st century.)
GDP per Capita (US$) 20,237
About 25 lbs. per person per year.
Las Vegas
Louisville, KY
wlmington sorry no it is definatly milwaukee, WI. Nevada's per capita consumption of beer is the highest of all states at 44 gallons/person. It's quite possible this could apply to Las Vegas.
0.2 Kgs/year per person SOURCE: Global Market Information Database, published by Euromonitor
Pakistan's GDP per capita is US$ 1,201.
The US by far consumes the most. Common fossil fuels are natural gas, oil and coal. I've included a link on oil consumption showing the major consumers. China is number 2 in oil consumption but its per capita consumption is much less.
The US has the fourth highest GDP per capita in the world. It is currently $46,381 comparable to that of Switzerland and Singapore.
In 2013 the GDP - per capita (PPP) in Romania was 14 400 US $.
183 gpcd ( gallons per capita daily).