

What is the opposite of income?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What is the opposite of income?
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Related questions

What is the opposite meaning of income?

Some examples of words with the opposite meaning ("antonyms") as income are:expenditure (or expenses)spendingoutgocostsbills

What is the opposite of expences?

Profit, Money in, Income

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Is accrued income posted as cr to accrued income and debit to sales account net?

no its the opposite Accrude income Dr. Sales Cr. Accrued income is income that has incurred but not yet invoiced.

What is the opposite of itemize?

There is no opposite of itemize (list, detail) except the choice not to itemize. - On US income tax returns the opposite of listing itemized deductions is taking a standard deduction.) - The opposite of listing itemized expenses is to list a total or estimated total.

Does an expense normally have a credit or debit balance?

Expenses maintain a debit balance. They are opposite accounts to Revenue which maintains a credit balance. Gross Income (Gross Revenue) - Expenses = Net Income

Why do cashiers use negative numbers?

They need to keep track of income and expenditure: that is, money coming in and money going out. Income is generally treated as a positive value and, since money going out is a flow in the opposite direction, it is given a negative sign so that income and expenditure can be combined.

What are tax exemptions?

A Tax exemption excludes a portion of your income from taxation.Specifically, according to tax law, "Exempt income" is legally defined in 26 CFR Sec. 861-8T(d)(2)(ii).But, you'll see Income tax law does not list what income is specifically exempt.Instead, US tax law specifically lists the opposite, Income that is not exempt, in the paragraph that follows, Sec. 861-8T(d)(2)(iii), ... which means, in simpler terms, Taxable income.

Does imputed income from domestic partner health insurance change your tax filing status?

No. For purposes of federal income tax, you must file as single if you are not legally married to a person of the opposite sex. The value of the DP coverage is imputed as income because the covered person is not your legal spouse under federal law.

A sole income mom what is the meaning?

It means a mother who is providing for her family based on one income, usually hers. To understand the concept fully, think of the opposite: a two-income family. In a two-income family, the money earned by both the mother and father go to providing food, clothing, and shelter for the family. Both the mother and father have jobs. A sole income mom is someone who is never married, divorced or widowed. Yet, in these days of rampant unemployment, the father may still be in the home, but is not working. The sole income mom is the only one working in the family, and the family lives off of her paycheck.

What is the difference between fixed income and fixed interest?

Fixed income is when an individual has a source of income that is reliable, but often limited. Examples include social security, pensions, etc. Fixed interest means that the rate of interest charged or accrued from a transaction will not change during the term of the contract. The opposite of this is called variable interest (most common with credit cards and some home mortgages).

What does revenue income mean?

Revenue is income that is basically income such as, income, income and more income. Do You Understand ?!