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underground mining

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Q: What is the most expensive mining?
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Why is open mining cheaper than deep mining?

it is cheaper because for deep mining ,the more deeper the minerals lies, the more difficult it is to discover and the more expensive to mine

What are the most expensive nuts in the world?

Macadamia nuts are the most expensive.

How much is the most expensive thing in the world?

life is the most expensive thing

Is open mining or closed mining more expensive?

Open-pit mining is generally less expensive in terms of exploration, development, equipment and operation. Typically, when a recovery operation is developed as an open-pit mine, the valuable mineral deposit is closer to the surface. Also, because it is open-pit, the scale of economy applies, meaning that larger equipment can be used, thus lowering the per-unit cost of operation. In addition, while underground mines must leave behind some of the target minerals in order to provide support for the mine structure, open-pit mines do not. It should be noted that while open-pit mining is generally the less expensive mining method. that will not always the case. This is due the geology. The nature of the ore body, and the depth and angle of the deposit will enter into cost considerations when choosing a mining method. It can also depend on the rehabilitation requirements as with open pit mining you are left with huge holes in the ground and with under ground/closed mining you simply have a small entry to close with mining is finished.

Does copper mining affect the economy?

Since copper is in demand and is an expensive resource, it can make a good basis for an economy if the government uses it wisely.

Related questions

Why is open mining cheaper than deep mining?

it is cheaper because for deep mining ,the more deeper the minerals lies, the more difficult it is to discover and the more expensive to mine

What mining method is used to extract ore from beneath the earths surface?

The most common mining method used to extract ore from beneath the earth's surface is underground mining. This method involves creating tunnels and shafts to access the ore body underground, where miners extract the ore using various techniques. Underground mining can be more expensive and dangerous than surface mining but is necessary for accessing deep deposits of valuable minerals.

What type of mining is involved in mining iron?

Strip mining is the most effective way?

What are the benefits of cast mining compared to underground mining?

Underground mining is very expensive, and "room and pillar" methods only permit removal of a portion of what is being mined- something had to hold up the roof.

What mining material harms the environment the most?

The mining and burning of coal is the most damaging to the environment.

What was the most expensive expedition ever undertaken on Australian soil?

One of the most expensive expeditions undertaken on Australian soil was the Tui Mine expedition in 1952 to locate and retrieve the bodies of 19 miners who died in a mining disaster. The expedition cost around £90,000, which was a significant amount at that time.

Why is copper so expensive?

The law of supply and demand dictates that the more scarce a commodity is, the more valuable it is. Therefore, precious metals like gold, silver, and copper are very expensive. Additionally, mining of metals has a huge overhead cost in mining machinery, territory rights, and in paying workers enough to compensate for how dangerous the job is. That is to say, mining companies charge a lot for their products because it is expensive just to obtain them.

What is An area where most of the land is used for mining?

An area where most of the land is used for mining is known as a mining district or a mining region. These areas are characterized by extensive mining activities, infrastructure to support mining operations, and regulation specific to mining industry. Examples include the Pilbara region in Australia for iron ore mining and the Witwatersrand Basin in South Africa for gold mining.

Which is a drawback to the use of oil shale to produce energy?

Processing, mining, and waste disposal is expensive.

What is the most valuable part of Mexico's mining industry?

silver is the most valuable part of Mexico's mining industry.

What are the two main types of mining and how do they differ?

The two main types of mining are surface mining and underground mining. Surface mining involves extracting minerals or resources from the Earth's surface, while underground mining involves extracting resources from beneath the Earth's surface. Surface mining is generally more cost-effective and less dangerous, but it can have a larger environmental impact compared to underground mining. Underground mining, on the other hand, can be more expensive and pose greater safety risks, but it is less disruptive to the environment.

Mining methods for detrital and residual clay?

Strip mining is the most common method.