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Q: What is the income in Iraq?
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What is the average income of a person in Iraq?


What is Iraq main source of income?


What is iraq's per capita income?

$4,000 (As of 2008).

What does Iraq make to earn money?

The Bolshevik of Iraq's income comes from exporting oil however, it is vital to note that Iraq has many other exports.

Is Iraq listed as a poor country?

Not really. Iraq exports alot of oil but due to the military action, Iraq suffered many terrorist attacks. Apart from the people being angry at the Americans for their intervention, Iraq's economy is quite good.

What was the main source of income of the cities of Baghdad and constantinople?

The main source of income of the cities of Baghdad and Constantinople are agriculture, industry, and trade. Constantinople is located in the country Turkey and Baghdad is the capital of Iraq.

What is Iraq's renewable and non-renewable resource?

Iraq has abundant renewable resources in the form of hydroelectric power and non-renewable resources in the form of natural gas and oil. The resource that produces the most income for Iraq is oil. Hydroelectric power and natural gas resources are important, as using these energy sources within Iraq, permits more oil to be exported.

What is the average household income in Afghanistan?

The average household income in Afghanistan is around $2,400 per year. However, there is significant variation between urban and rural areas, with urban households typically earning more than rural households.

What is the average family income in Iraq?

The average family in Iraqi makes an equivalent to about $500 dollars a year. *It's actually $5000 according to Iraq's central bank. This is expected to rise significantly, however 7 million people remain bellow the poverty line.

How do you say Iraq in Iraq?

Iraq is not a language. Iraqis speak Arabic and the name for Iraq in Arabic is Al-Iraq which is pronounced Al-ee-raw-k.

Who is in charge of Iraq?

The Government of the Republic of Iraq is in charge of Iraq.

What is iraq?

Iraq is a country