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Libralisation mean less strict by government, that may include privatisation but also includes deregulation resrtict on privatisation by removing government control on that particular firm.

Privatisation mean specifically converting public i.e government entities into private oncs, usually by selling selling things like utility.


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Q: What is the difference between liberalization privatization stabilization?
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What is the difference between commercialization and privatization?

Commercialization is the process of making a business or product more public. Privatization is the opposite process in terms of conducting the business.

What's the difference between privatization and divestiture?

Divestiture is the process of a legal person selling some assets. Privatization is the process of a government or state selling its ownership of assets it owns (usually utilities) by placing them on the Stock Market for private legal persons to buy. Thus privatization is a form of divestiture.

Difference between privatization and disinvestment?

Privatization refers to the ownership of property by one person or group. They own it privately and free from intervention. Disinvestment is the shrinkage of capital investment when a firm fails to maintain or replace its assets that have been used up by sale of capital goods to the firm.

Difference between globalisation and liberalisation?

GlobalisationGlobalization as many of you have heard is the greater integration among countries and economies for trade, economic, social, and political benefits. Globalization in trade is also called 'one global market place' where a consumer does not have to restrict their purchases to one country/economy and can enjoy the benefits of the goods and services produced worldwide. For example, Macy is a popular department store in the United States, but does not have outlets in many Asian countries. Many years ago before globalization, an Asian consumer would not be able to purchase Macy's products, however, nowadays due to globalization, any customer, in any part of the world, can purchase Macy's products and have them delivered to their doorstep by making transactions online.LiberalisationLiberalization, though similar to globalization, is more focused on the local economy. Liberalization generally refers to the removal of restrictions; usually government rules and regulations imposed on social, economic, or political matters. Liberalization maybe trade, social, economic, or capital market related. Social liberalization, for example, maybe related to things like making abortion related laws less stringent. Trade liberalization maybe with regard to reducing restrictions on imports or exports and facilitating free trade.DIFFERENCE B/W THEMGlobalization and liberalization are concepts that are closely related to one another. A country usually experiences liberalization of its economic and other policies, which is later on followed by globalization. There are, however, many differences between the two. Liberalization generally relates to activity within a certain country as a result of modernization and development. Globalization relates to activities among countries and results in interdependence and interaction among countries and facilitates the movement of goods and services, capital, individuals, knowledge, technology.

How can you distinguish between liberalization privatization and globalization?

Liberalization refers to a relaxation of previous government restrictions, usually in areas of social or economic policy. Liberalization of autocratic regimes may precede democratization Most often, the term is used to refer to economic liberalization, especially trade liberalization or capital market liberalization.Privatization (alternately "denationalization" or "disinvestment") is the transfer of property or responsibility from the public sector (government) to the private sector (business).The term can refer to partial or complete transfer of any property or responsibility held by government. A similar transfer in the opposite direction could be referred to the nationalization or municipalization of some property or responsibility. The term was coined in 1936 in a chronicle published in The Economist. It is thought to have been popularized by The Economist during the 1980s.Globalization: The tendency of investment funds and businesses to move beyond domestic and national markets to other markets around the globe, thereby increasing the interconnectedness of different markets. Globalization is an umbrella term for a complex series of economic, social, technological, cultural and political changes seen as increasing interdependence, integration and interaction among people and companies in disparate locations. As a term 'globalization' has been used as early as 1944 but economists first began applying it around 1981. Theodore Levitt is usually credited with its coining through the article he wrote in 1983 for the Harvard Business Review entitled "Globalization of markets". The more encompassing phenomenon has been perceived in the context of sociological study on a worldwide scale.

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What is the difference between commercialization and privatization?

Commercialization is the process of making a business or product more public. Privatization is the opposite process in terms of conducting the business.

What is the difference between privatization and nationalization?

Privatization is the act of selling Government owned business to the private sector. Whereas, Nationalization occurs when the government buys certain business or firms from private owners.

What is the difference between privatization and divestiture?

Divestiture is the process of a legal person selling some assets. Privatization is the process of a government or state selling its ownership of assets it owns (usually utilities) by placing them on the stock market for private legal persons to buy. Thus privatization is a form of divestiture.

What's the difference between privatization and divestiture?

Divestiture is the process of a legal person selling some assets. Privatization is the process of a government or state selling its ownership of assets it owns (usually utilities) by placing them on the Stock Market for private legal persons to buy. Thus privatization is a form of divestiture.

What is the difference between capitalization and privatization?

Privatization has to do with who ownes something, Government or Private sector. Capitalization has to do which where the money is coming form to buy it. This is just my own view. Someone else may have a better answer.

Difference between privatization and disinvestment?

Privatization refers to the ownership of property by one person or group. They own it privately and free from intervention. Disinvestment is the shrinkage of capital investment when a firm fails to maintain or replace its assets that have been used up by sale of capital goods to the firm.

What is an example of liberalization?

In the 1960s Britain liberalized its laws on: * Attempted suicide * Divorce * Abortion * Homosexual acts between consenting adults This was (and still is) referred to as a process of liberalization.

Why did privatization start in India?

Privatization means shifting of public ownership to private or personal. Before privatization came into being in India...Everything was under government control. Every sector, every field was under public ownership. As time passed by the country started to grow..started to develop even more...and that was a load that was sort of getting heavier on the shoulders of our the then government. It was getting difficult for the Indian Government to handle and maintain the smooth functioning. Hence inorder to curb that the government allowed privatization to be started in India

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