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Entrepreneur means a person who is going to establish his own business. He is the incharge of all his business requirements.

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Q: What is the definition of the word entrepreneur?
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What is the definition of micro-entrepreneur?

I would understand a micro-entrepreneur to be someone who starts a small business.

What is the base word of entrepreneur?

The base word of entrepreneur is "entreprendre," which is a French word meaning "to undertake" or "to engage in."

Use the word entrepreneur in a sentence?

The business was started by an entrepreneur.

What is the word entrepreneur in German?

Depending on context, entrepreneur can be translated as:Unternehmer(in)Privatunternehmer(in)Existenzgründer(in)Entrepreneur(in)

Is the word entrepreneur a noun?

Yes, the word 'entrepreneur' is a noun, a word for someone who is typically developing a business through risk and innovation; a word for a person.

What does the word entrepreneur?

Entrepreneur is a person who actually does the business. He/She is responsible for the profits or losses.

What is entrepreneur in Tagalog?

The word "entrepreneur" in English means "negosyante", "mangangalakal" in Tagalog.

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Definition of entrepreneurship skills?

Simply the necessary set of skill required to be an entrepreneur. If an Entrepreneur is someone who starts,organizes and manages an enterprise, the Entrepreneurship skill is the necessary skills an entrepreneur needs to successfully run a business.

Role of the entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is a French word meaning someone who is running their own business. There is no role.

What is the word origin for entrepreneur?

From the Latin language word imprendere.