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An exporter sends things to other countries. An importer brings things in from other countries.

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Q: What is the definition of exporter and importer?
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Which country is the worlds leading importer and exporter?

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How does forfeiting work?

By definition it means something surrendered or subject to surrender as punishment for a crime, an offense, an error, or a breach of contract. In big businesses today, specially in import and export, this transaction is widely used. How this works is, the importer posts an order to the exporter to be delivered at a specific date but the latter does not have enough financial resources to accomplish the order. The importer then deposits the amount of the order to its bank. This bank then notifies the exporter's bank that said amount is available and exporter can now loan the amount to finance the production. However, if the exporter fails to deliver the order in time or the products do not meet the importer's specifications, the importer has the option to withdraw its deposit. The exporter does not get paid and has to deal with the loan from its bank. This is forfeiting.

What country is the largest importer and exporter of Goods?

it's USA

Is South Korea a big coal exporter?

No, in the countrary, it is a importer.

Difference between a primary banker's acceptance and a secondary banker's acceptance?

An importer plans to purchase goods from an exporter. The exporter will not grant credit, so the importer turns to its bank. They execute an acceptance agreement, under which the bank will accept drafts from the importer. In this manner, the bank extends credit to the importer, who agrees to pay the bank the face value of all drafts prior to their maturity. The importer draws a time draft, listing itself as the payee. The bank accepts the draft and discounts it-paying the importer the discounted value of the draft. The importer uses the proceeds to pay the exporter. The bank can then hold the bankers acceptance in its own portfolio or it can sell it at discounted value in the money market. In an alternative arrangement, the exporter may agree to accept a letter of credit from the importer's bank. This specifies that the bank will accept time drafts from the exporter if the exporter presents suitable documentation that the goods were delivered. Under this arrangement, the exporter is the drawer and payee of the draft. Typically, the bank will not work directly with the exporter but with the exporter's correspondent bank. The exporter may realize proceeds from the bankers acceptance in several ways. The bank may discount it for the exporter; the exporter may hold the acceptance to maturity; or it may sell the acceptance to another party

What are an exporter and importer of goods?

So we could have thins that they grow or things they make