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Q: What is the current price per pound for aluminum cans in southeastern Illinois?
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What is the current price per pound for aluminum cans in Illinois?


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The price of aluminum fluctuates greatly in Illinois depending on the market demand for it, and where the aluminum comes from. Generally, aluminum cans bring less than aluminum from cars. Prices range from .50 per pound to almost $3.00 per pound.

What is the current rate per pound for aluminum recycling?

The current rate for selling aluminum for recycling is about $1.1475 per pound not far from its high of �1.1500.per pound.

Average price for aluminum cans Illinois?

About 45 cents a pound.

What is the current price for aluminum cans in California?

2.00 a pound

What is the 2011 price per pound for aluminum cans in Illinois?

48 cents per pound

What is the current price for a pound of recycled aluminum in Knoxville Tennessee?

50 cents per pound

What is the current price of aluminum per pound?

Aluminum prices can vary greatly throughout the year and even day by day. It is currently around $1 per pound of aluminum.

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What are the current prices for cast aluminum?

The price for cast aluminum varies from alloy type and market fluctuations. Today the current price for A380 aluminum is $1.03 per pound.

What is the current price for a pound of recycle aluminum cans in Louisville KY?

As of Aug 3 2001 the current price is 80 cents per pound.

What is the current price per pound for scrap aluminum in South Dakota?

Currently the price is around 35 cents per pound but can be as high as 95 cents per pound for aluminum extrusion scrap.