Pesos are not a singular currency. For example, the Mexican Peso is different than the Argentine Peso. So you cannot know a specific US Dollar to Peso rate until you know which Peso you are dealing with. You can find a specific exchange rate at
This will usually change from year to year. The current exchange rate of Mexican money into US dollars is 12.83059 Mexican pesos to 1 US dollar.
As of today, the exchange rate is $1 to 43.24 pesos.
As of December 23, 2009, the exchange rate is 1 US Dollar to 12.88 Mexican Pesos.
100 Pesos is equal to $5.37 US dollars. The exchange rate fluctuates weekly if not daily - check with your local banker for exchange rates.
An exchange rate if the value of currency of one country compared to that of Another Country. For example, it would be the value of a US Dollar measured by the value of Mexican Pesos.
One can find the current rate for changing pesos to dollars on currency exchange websites. As well as this, one may visit their nearest currency exchange dealer to find the current rates.
The exchange rate varies, so it depends on the current rate. As of today, if the exchange rate is 1 USD to 50 pesos, then 1092 USD would be equivalent to 54,600 pesos. It's best to check with a currency exchange service for the most accurate rate.
This will usually change from year to year. The current exchange rate of Mexican money into US dollars is 12.83059 Mexican pesos to 1 US dollar.
As of today, the exchange rate is $1 to 43.24 pesos.
You can find the current us currency exchange rate on
The value of 100 US dollars in pesos would depend on the current exchange rate between the US dollar and the peso. The rate changes regularly and can vary from one currency exchange service to another. It is best to check with a reliable source for the most up-to-date conversion rate.
Incomplete question as you need to specify which currency to get the exchange rate
Against what currency?
Colombian currency is called the peso. At the current exchange rate in 2014, it takes approximately 1851 pesos to equal one American dollar.
As of December 23, 2009, the exchange rate is 1 US Dollar to 12.88 Mexican Pesos.
100 Pesos is equal to $5.37 US dollars. The exchange rate fluctuates weekly if not daily - check with your local banker for exchange rates.
The spot exchange rate refers to the current exchange rate. The forward exchange rate refers to an exchange rate that is quoted and traded today but for delivery and payment on a specific future date.