The name of the currency used in Haiti is "gourde'
The Euro is the currency of Portugal.
The Azerbaijani New Manat is the currency of Azerbaijan The Yen is the currency of Japan The NZ dollar is the currency of New Zealand The pound Sterling is the currency of the United kingdom The Malaysian ringgit is the currency of Malasia The Chilean peso is the currency used in Chile etc
The form of currency that is used in the United Kingdom is the British Pound. In the USA, the American dollar is used.
IT used to be the polish currency before they join the euro union it was pronouced zvoti
There is no collective noun for Greese
the answer is copper,aluminium and toilet greese
fat greese was used to build cars
GreeceThe capital city of Greese is Athens
Wolfgang Greese died on May 2, 2001, in Berlin, Germany of cancer.
¤ is the universal currency symbol. When used, it means currency.
The currency used is Euro
Wolfgang Greese was born on March 8, 1926, in Lbz, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
The currency used in Germany is the euro (€).
The currency used in Stockholm is the same currency used in the entire country:Kronor (shortened: kr) meaning "crowns"SEK is the currency type.
Pa'anga is the currency used in Tonga.
Euro is the currency used in Martinique