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The benefits lost when making one choice over another

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Fallen Angel

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3y ago
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13y ago

the dollar value of what you give up when you choose to do one thing

rather then another. (:

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Q: What is the best definition of opportunity cost?
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What do economists the next best alternative that had to be given up for the one chosen?

opportunity cost

What is capital cost?

the opportunity cost or value of the best by a business

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the opportunity cost or value of the best by a business

Definition of scarcity and opportunity cost by Bernardo Villegas?

Opportunity cost refers to the economic benefit forgone by using a resource for one purpose rather than another.

What is opportunity cost of a decisions?

The next best thing that a person can engage in is referred to as the opportunity cost of doing the best thing and ignoring the next best thing to be done.

What is the opportunity cost of decision?

The next best thing that a person can engage in is referred to as the opportunity cost of doing the best thing and ignoring the next best thing to be done.

What is the the opportunity cost of a decision?

The next best thing that a person can engage in is referred to as the opportunity cost of doing the best thing and ignoring the next best thing to be done.

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the opportunity cost or value of the best by a business

Opportunity cost definition?

The cost of an alternative that must be forgone in order to pursue a certain action. Put another way, the benefits you could have received by taking an alternative action.

What is opportunity cost of competition?

this is best forgone altarnative

How opportunity cost is measured?

how is opportunity cost measured {Finding the value of the best options that is not chosen.}

Can opportunity cost ever be negative?

No, opportunity cost can never be negative. It is the value of the next best alternative that is foregone when a decision is made.