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The correct technical answer is it depands. However you can notice following three things as a general pattern in some weeks.

1. Monday morning: Sometimes the market goes down due to

a). Previous week had a positive trend and the market was overated, so need to get balance

b). In last Friday or over the week end there were some information about bad news about economy or market.

c). People are uncertain about somthing expected to happen during the week and speculates risk.

So its a good time to buy.

2. Tues day morning: If the market went up on Monday rapidly due a reverse reason mentioned in number one it has to be balaned in next day. So the price goes down.

3. Friday morning: Market was having a really good week and stocks were over valued. People starts realing this and starts selling back or slow down the buying. So the price goes down.

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Q: What is the best day of the week to buy stocks?
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What is Stock acquisition from open market?

It is the process of buying stocks of a particular company from the stock market. The number of stocks that can be acquired in a particular day would depend on the number of stocks that are available for sale on that trading day.

What is the most productive day of the week?

Tuesday is the most productive day in a week according to Sandeep Singh an analyst at a leading organization.

What is causing McDonald's stock to continue to go down in price?

McDonalds stocks have started to go down since the day I've purchased a whole bunch.

What was name given to the collapse of the stock market?

Stocks are key to build long term wealth. One of the major advantage of the stock market is that there are so many ways that you can make profits but this great rewards also comes with risk. Investing is a way of putting your money to work for you. Legendary investor Warren Buffett defined investing as “forgoing consumption now in order to have the ability to consume more at a later date.” By investing your money regularly, you may be able to increase it over with time and that is why it is important start investing as early as possible and stock market is good place to start. In this post you will learn some important concept of investing. let’s start.. What is Investing ? Investing in stocks means buying shares of ownership in a public company and those shares are known as company’s stocks and by investing you hope the company to perform well and grow over time. As the company grow your shares become more valuable and other investors may be willing to buy them from you for more than you paid. That means you could earn a profit if you decide to sell. Investing in the stock market is a long term game and you have to buy stock and just hold. There’s a common saying among long-term investors: “Time in the market beats timing the market” and what it means is the one common way to make money in stocks is buying and holding. What is the difference between Day trading and Investing ? Day trading means you enter and exit the positions in the same day on the other hand Investing means you buy stocks and hold it for a very long period of time. Day trading involves active management with short time period whereas investing involves passive management with a longer-term holding time. Day trader focus on short-term trades in a single trading day. Investors monitor portfolio periodically from weekly to quarterly. FOR MORE DETAILS AND ANALYSIS VISIT MARKERZMEDIA Day traders focus on technical analysis whereas Investors focus on fundamental analysis.

What was the average pay per week during the Industrial Revolution?

the pay was 5 cents a day

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