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Q: What is sector skills plan?
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What is sector specific skills?

Sector specific skill

What is one sector economy?

plan economic

What is a traditional industry sector?

an industrial sector that heavily relies on manual labour and craft skills. This sector has existed for centuries.

The sector skills council responsible for the plumbing industry is known as?


What are the skills required to be a marketing manager in garment sector?

Marketing is Sex Oriented.

What is the motto of Skillset?

The motto of Skillset is 'The Sector Skills Council for Creative Media'.

Who should plan health systems?

the ministry of health along with other actors in the health sector should plan the health system.

Why is it that people with different are unemployable in certain sector of the economy and not in others?

In order to gain employment in a particular sector, the applicant must have qualifying skills for that industry. If not, they will be unemployable in that sector and must choose something more in tune with their skill set.

What does an HR certification do?

This is a certificate that proves your skills in a particular sector. To receive this certificate must pass the exam within the sector. If you search for a new job and you will have the certificate, but will not be a competitor, it is likely to be hired by you, because you'll be proven that you are a specialist in a particular sector.

Why would you prefer to go in a banking sector job?

because employee can satisfy and we can use our skills properly.

What is engendering sector policy?

Engendering sector policy is putting gender on the agend by priority intervention in strategic plans, annual action plan and activity based budget in a particular sector say ministry of health etc. then incorporate gender concerns in th

What does planning skills mean?

To make sure the person is good at planning and know how to do it.