

Best Answer

1. Forgone wages

2. Time spent studying for other classes

3. Time spent sleeping

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Q: What is opportunity cost study economics test?
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Logan chooses to study for an economics test instead of going hiking The opportunity cost is?

The good grade Logan will receive as a result of studying

Meaning of opportunity cost?

The concept of opportunity cost is based on the notion that for every action you take or decision you make, you are losing the benefits of other options. Opportunity cost is that benefit of an opportunity that you lose by choosing some other opportunity.

Why an increase in spending on police and armed forces may result in an opportunity cost?

Opportunity cost is defined as what you have to give up to get something. Specifically, the opportunity cost of doing something is the value of best alternative. For example, if Bob decides to watch TV instead of studying for a big science test he has in school the next day, the opportunity cost is that study time. All decisions carry an opportunity cost even in cases such as defense or public safety spending because there is always an alternate choice. For example, a city could choose to hire 50 new police officers or, with the same money, they could choose to hire 50 new teachers or build a new park or do any of a large number of things. In particular, if there is a greater need for something else, such as new teachers, then the opportunity cost of increasing police spending will be greater than any benefit from the spending. In that case, police spending would be a poor economic decision because there is another place to spend the money that will create more good for the city as a whole.

Why is economics a social science but not a pure science?

Economics is the study of man and his activities in relation to his environment. The study of ends and scarce means which studies alternative uses. from the little i know, economics is a social science because it studies human environment, there is no specific(physical) laboratory. if we want to test anything concerning with economics, then we survey and taking primary and secondary data and analyze the things and it is carried out on the society. thus, society is the laboratory for any test of the subjects concerning with economics. Most subjects in the sciences have a constant/specific way of carrying out their activities. For instance, to test the pH level of a matter requires a particular method, unlike in economics where the issue of unemployment solved in China differs from the way it will be addressed in Nigeria. Economics deals with the study of the environment in diverse ways, hence it is a social science.

In order to test his theories on economics and the spirit of capitalism what was the basic research scenario Max Weber employed?

He compared the extent of capitalism in Catholic and Protestant countries.

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Logan chooses to study for an economics test instead of going hiking The opportunity cost is?

The good grade Logan will receive as a result of studying

Does it cost to take the mcats?

There is a cost to take the MCAT test. The test cost $235, with additional costs for study materials or study courses.

Meaning of opportunity cost?

The concept of opportunity cost is based on the notion that for every action you take or decision you make, you are losing the benefits of other options. Opportunity cost is that benefit of an opportunity that you lose by choosing some other opportunity.

What do economics use to test solutions to questions for which there are no obvious or easy answers?

Cost benefit analyses

Why economics a science?

Economics is the study of man and his activities in relation to his environment. The study of ends and scarce means which studies alternative uses. from the little i know, Economics is a social science because it studies human environment, there is no specific(physical) laboratory. if we want to test anything concerning with economics, then we survey and taking primary and secondary data and analyze the things and it is carried out on the society. thus, society is the laboratory for any test of the subjects concerning with economics. Most subjects in the sciences have a constant/specific way of carrying out their activities. For instance, to test the pH level of a matter requires a particular method, unlike in economics where the issue of unemployment solved in China differs from the way it will be addressed in Nigeria. Economics deals with the study of the environment in diverse ways, hence it is a social science.

Why economics is a science?

Economics is the study of man and his activities in relation to his environment. The study of ends and scarce means which studies alternative uses. from the little i know, economics is a social science because it studies human environment, there is no specific(physical) laboratory. if we want to test anything concerning with economics, then we survey and taking primary and secondary data and analyze the things and it is carried out on the society. thus, society is the laboratory for any test of the subjects concerning with economics. Most subjects in the sciences have a constant/specific way of carrying out their activities. For instance, to test the pH level of a matter requires a particular method, unlike in economics where the issue of unemployment solved in China differs from the way it will be addressed in Nigeria. Economics deals with the study of the environment in diverse ways, hence it is a social science.

If Karen gets up early and studies three hours for her test she is likely to get an A. If she sleeps in she will probably get a C. What is the opportunity cost of sleeping in?

The opportunity cost of sleeping in for Karen is not getting an A on her test but instead likely getting a C. By choosing to sleep in, she is giving up the possibility of achieving a higher grade by studying for three hours in the morning.

Is there a study guide for the MSCE certification?

Yes, there are both sample tests and study guides online for this test. Most of the study guides are going to cost you some money to download though.

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barium swallow test cost in Pakistan 5000 RS

Should you take a test if you failed it the first time?

study study study then take the test again

Why an increase in spending on police and armed forces may result in an opportunity cost?

Opportunity cost is defined as what you have to give up to get something. Specifically, the opportunity cost of doing something is the value of best alternative. For example, if Bob decides to watch TV instead of studying for a big science test he has in school the next day, the opportunity cost is that study time. All decisions carry an opportunity cost even in cases such as defense or public safety spending because there is always an alternate choice. For example, a city could choose to hire 50 new police officers or, with the same money, they could choose to hire 50 new teachers or build a new park or do any of a large number of things. In particular, if there is a greater need for something else, such as new teachers, then the opportunity cost of increasing police spending will be greater than any benefit from the spending. In that case, police spending would be a poor economic decision because there is another place to spend the money that will create more good for the city as a whole.

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They will, obviously, help you study for your algebra test.