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Q: What is negative about the command economy?
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What economy is similar to command economy?

A planned economy is similar to a command economy, as both involve central authorities making decisions regarding production, distribution, and resource allocation. In a planned economy, the government or a central planning authority sets targets for production and consumption, while in a command economy, the government directly controls economic activities. Both systems prioritize collective or societal goals over individual preferences and rely on centralized planning to achieve economic objectives.

What is econony?

It is a command economy where the government controls the economy. It is a command economy where the government controls the economy.

Is Haiti a free market economy or a command economy?

Yes, Haiti is a command economy. A command economy is when the government controls the economy and you are guaranteed a job. However, with a command economy, you cannot open your own business.

What causes a command economy to stagnate or decline?

the leader making a mistake which then affects the whole country in a negative way.

The history of command economy?

what is the history behind command economy

What is a command economy system?

Command Economy is an example of Dictatorship.

What is Vietnams econony?

It is a command economy where the government controls the economy. It is a command economy where the government controls the economy.

Is North Korea a command economy or a free economy?

North Korea has a command economy.

What kind of economy is Mongolia command or market?

it is a command economy da

Explain stalins use of command economy in Russia?

its his command in economy

Is the former USSR an example of the command economy?

The USSR had a command economy, Russia today has a free market economy.

Is Libya a command economy?

Yes Libya has a Command Economy