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Q: What is meant by protectionism and the reasons why government use protectionist policies?
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What was the outcome of laissez-faire economic policies?

Laissez-faire economic policies helped fuel the industrial revolution. Later these policies were changed for social reasons. Most of today's prosperous nations have a free market economy with government supervision.

What was an outcome of the laissez-faire economic policies?

Laissez-faire economic policies helped fuel the industrial revolution. Later these policies were changed for social reasons. Most of today's prosperous nations have a free market economy with government supervision.

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The necessity of political parties include; 1. They bring various representatives together so that a responsible government could be formed. 2. They support or restrain the government in the formulation of policies.

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the Declaration of Independence the declaration of independence was written by the colonist to outline the reasons why they were unhappy with English policies

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The Ming Dynasty ended due to Mongolian wars, Japanese raids, factions in the government, excessive taxes, bad economic policies.

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There are many reasons overall, but the most prevalent ways that self-government grew in the colonies was the desire to be free of the near-tyrannical control the British ruling class imposed on the commerce of the day

What reasons did the Japanese have for their expansionist policies 1930-1942?

Oil and raw materials.

What is a infant industry argument?

An infant industry argument is an argument that one person cannot win a competition. Depending to survive, they depend on the government's protectionism and largesse. At a time that is given, with inefficient industries gives low quality goods and a high price. The infant industry argument is criticized for these reasons. The government need a long time to figure out which argument will have growth potential. Because of the market will be smaller, the protectionism could hurt specific infant industry arguments. The justification for protection will disappear in a period of time. It may need protection to build to the point, which can be successfully competed. Small new firms are protected warranty especially in less developed countries.

Explain the reasons for nazi policies towards women?

errrm u tell meeh.

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only slightly. preparing for the war was just one of many reasons for Hitler's economic policies.

What reasons are behind African resistance to colonial educational policies?

In the colonies of the United States there was no education for slaves. It was against the law to teach them to read and there was no resistance to these policies.