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Some people say an entrepreneur is a person that starts his/her own business but there is a better answer.An entrepreneur is someone like you and me with the exception that he/she makes money for you and me by rendering a service or making a product that is unique.

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Q: What is entrepreneur and give example?
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What is example of entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is an individual that has started a business or organization. An example of an entrepreneur would be Tom Anderson with MySpace.

What is an example of an entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is an individual that has started a business or organization. An example of an entrepreneur would be Tom Anderson with MySpace.

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An entrepreneur.

What does being an entrepreneur mean to you and give one example of someone you know who is one?

a person who organzies oprates and as sumes the risk for a business venture.

Can you give me a sentence using the word boomtown and entrepreneur?

The raw boomtown was ripe for an enthusiastic entrepreneur to step in with some hard cash.

How can an entrepreneur give his or her firm a competitive advantage?

An entrepreneur can give his or her firm a competitive advantage by attempting to establish a unique image for their company. This unique image will help set the entrepreneur's business apart from their competition, thus driving more sales to their company over their competitors'.

What do you mean by entrepreneurial characteristic?

It means having the key factors of a successful entrepreneur; for example, "resilience" is a characteristic of a successful entrepreneur, because resilience means keeping your head up and not giving up. This is a vital characteristic for a successful entrepreneur. Another example is self-confidence; this is another key factor of a successful entrepreneur because an entrepreneur needs to have confidence in themselves that their business/company can be successful, and they need to have the right attitude.

What do you mean by characteristic?

It means having the key factors of a successful entrepreneur; for example, "resilience" is a characteristic of a successful entrepreneur, because resilience means keeping your head up and not giving up. This is a vital characteristic for a successful entrepreneur. Another example is self-confidence; this is another key factor of a successful entrepreneur because an entrepreneur needs to have confidence in themselves that their business/company can be successful, and they need to have the right attitude.

How entrepreneur engage in drink juice and coffee processing?

example: starbukcks fruitas

What three centres or providers that can give programs for an entrepreneur?

umsobomvu youth funds

What is a good sentence using the word entrepreneur?

Two examples: A well known entertainment entrepreneur staged the concert for free. Bill Gates is an example of an entrepreneur as he was able to capitalise on his strengths and vision in order to build Microsoft into a multinational company.

What is the role of luck in business success?

Luck can make something successful or a has two sides a positive and a negatve.. Luck can't b business it is a quality that is shown by an entrepreneur.. for example if an entrepreneur is talking to someone about there business and a business invester walks past and overhears then decides to give them an investment...(good luck)