I use Valley-Saybrook oil and I was just charged $3.549/gal which by coincidence is the cap on my capped oil contract... I am also trying to find out the current average price for home heating oil in CT and the only thing I found thus far is this web site http://www.homeheatingoilprices.com/CT and no matter wich city I choose I get $3.29/gal - this would have saved me about 50$ on my last shipment. you should go to ORDEROIL.COM they ask you to type in your zip code and it shows you all the cheapest home ehating oil companies. most I've seen are about 2.59. talk about saving. i think you can order directly from the dealer that you choose. good luck!
hair salon ownerabout 100,000 when you own your own hair salonI'm actually a salon owner in one of the wealthier areas in ct and i pocket 250 k a year. that is of course because i have a full clientele as well
check out the 4th page of this book.... http://books.google.co.in/books?id=H0MdPMgEMbAC&pg=PA4&lpg=PA4&dq=laissez+faire+contracts&source=bl&ots=JsCtXicp0X&sig=L1SPvHr356aujLvQ-y2_2V4vq8w&hl=en&ei=jyLfSon-CIWIswP-25XaDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CCQQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=laissez%20faire%20contracts&f=false
Just go through the link below.Mohamed Ahmed Sarhan Al-Ahwal - Yemenhttp://books.google.com.my/books?id=DhXcjkxjLvoC&pg=RA1-PA177&lpg=RA1-PA177&dq=disadvantage+of+a+freely+floating&source=bl&ots=zgSbW7KTJd&sig=nOmLH4WRSXrhFU9qji3D6ssiRi8&hl=en&ei=n2rHSrvtE4eUkAWS_Mw5&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3#v=onepage&q=disadvantage%20of%20a%20freely%20floating&f=false
MIddletown, CT USA
New Canaan is the wealthiest town in Connecticut, with a per capita income of $85,459.
Bridgeport, CT~ Population: 139,529 *Is from Bridgeport* :) New Haven, CT~ Population: 123,626 Hartford, CT~ Population: 121,578 Stamford, CT~ Population: 117,083 Norwalk, CT~ Population: 82,951 These populations are as of 2000. I have no idea what they are now...
The second richest state in the U.S.A. is Washington.
As of the 2020 census, the population of Prospect, CT was 9,481.
Roughly 126,000
As of the 2020 census, the population of New Haven, CT was approximately 131,100 people.
Hartford's population as of July of 2008 is 124,026 people.
As of the 2020 census, the population of Meriden, CT was approximately 59,226.
As of the 2020 Census, Greenwich, CT has a population of roughly 62,000 residents.
As of 2021, the population of Connecticut is estimated to be around 3.6 million people.