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We can define Anthronomics as a disruptive theory on economics Aiming at putting the citizen in the hearth of a distributive strategy in which poverty will be erased ! In Anthronomics, the welfare of any member of the population, considered as a full human being will not be set aside wellness. The National wealth shall be equally shared among the population. No rich, no poor ! Each person living on National territory and legally holding the nationality shall recieve a part of the National wealth.

This implies that Anthronomics should :

  • design and define the rules for the calculation, on alternative basis, of the National Weath.

  • design and define the rules for the calculation of the “quote-part” of each citizen in the National wealth

  • design and define the rules of the allocation of a portion of that “quote-part” to the National government (do not say state) as tax contribution on an annual basis

-design and define the rules applicable to the use of the “quote-part” by each citizen to cover it’s education, health, fooding and leisure needs on a yearly and monthly basis !

  • design and define the means that will enable National corporations to have a total control on National resources and avoid foreign spoliations through ill-designed DFI’s.

-design and define all the procedures concerning the tight control of any foreign corporation involved in the exploration and exploitation of any National ressource in the country.

-design and define the conditions in which benefits drawn from the exploitation of natural resource in the National territory shall be re-invested in the country. This implies adopting in National law high restrictions about the transfer of benefits abroad.

All these requirements are a sum-up of what Anthronomics implies as theoretical basis foundations, as technical and industrial guidelines and as intellectual disruption aimed at changing what great ideological forces have turned into tight roc for centuries, just crossing hands and watch the spread of poverty in the world whereas a very ridiculous number of persons swim in abundance moking the large majority of suffering human beings all around !

We at Disruptive School of Anthronomics Research (DISAR) are making endeavours in order to build the theoretical map of this great change in the world.

To learn more about DISAR, please feel free to contact us at :

Disuptive Institute of Anthronomics Reseach

University of Lorraine, Campus Charlemagne

2, ter Boulevard Charlemagne

54 000 Nancy

Director : Dr Albus Sly PIAM, PhD, Maître de Conferences

How to join me by mail ?

writetopiam@aoldotcom (please put a . At the place of dot)

piamnet@outlookdotcom (please put a . at the place of dot)

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Gaby Bobda

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1y ago
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