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The creation of sweatshops

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Joe Young

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The creation of sweatshops---> Apex

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Q: What is an effect of outsourcing jobs?
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What describes the effect of outsourcing on the labor market in the United States?

Competition for jobs increases and wages go down.

Which of following best describes the effect of outsourcing on the labor market in the US?

Competition for jobs increases and wages go down

What is the mean of outsourcing?

Outsourcers are the ones who hire or purchase services from an outside supplier.

Is outsourcing jobs to India good for America?


What is another way to say exporting jobs?


What is an effect of outscourcing jobs?

Outsourcing helps businesses save costs. We can easily save money, save the company, save most people's jobs, keep prices down and offer great service - by relocating some jobs to other, less expensive parts of the world. Outsourcing puts a great impact to businesses for it can keep prices down and offer great and better service.

What are the benefits of inshore outsourcing plan?

Keep jobs in America

What is an outsourcing firm?

An outsourcing firm refers to a business group that is solely focused on doing specific jobs for a client. This is a third-party workforce that does jobs regardless of whatever the client's business.

What are the affects of outsourcing to various nations?

Outsourcing has created jobs, as well as helped small businesses or startups survive in these tough times.

What is it called to hire workers in other countries to do a set of jobs?


What companies in the United States use telecom outsourcing?

The list of companies in the US is endless. There is a big push to stop the outsourcing so jobs can be saved.

Is the government responsible for outsourcing jobs?

No, the government is not responsible; it's the business owners who are.