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Q: What is a word for a group that controls entire industry?
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What is the word for a group that controls an entire industry?

human resource development

What is word for a company that controls and entire indurtry?

A company that controls an entire industry is a "monopoly".

What is a word for a company that controls an entire industry?

A monopoly

What was the word for a company that control an entire industry?

A monopoly.

What is clergy a group of?

The word clergy itself denotes a group. It refers to the entire body of folks who hold a religious title.

What is a group of clergy called?

The word clergy itself denotes a group. It refers to the entire body of folks who hold a religious title.

What word means the killing of an entire race?

The word used is genocide. However, this word is also used to denote the killing of a substantial number of members of an ethnic group, forcible transfer, deliberate destruction of an ethnic group's culture.

What is the noun for centrally?

The word 'centrally' is the adverb form of the adjective and the noun central., a word for a place where an activity takes place or a group meets; or the main location of an office that controls other locations.

Why do they call it peafowl?

Fowl is a word for the entire group of those types of birds, the male is a peacock, and the female is a peahen, together they are peafowl.

What is the base word for industrial?

The base word for industrial is "industry."

What is the plural form of the word Africans?

The word Africans is the plural form. The singular form is African. Some nouns in their plural form can be used to refer to an entire group, like the word Africans. But it is still a plural word.

What part of speech is entirely?

"Entirely" is an adverb. It is used to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs by expressing the idea of completely, wholly, or fully.