A basic feature of the free market system is that consumers make their own economic choices
A feature of mercantilism is full government control of the national economy. This theory believes that this is the only way of achieving a healthy economy.
It is a box that holds your tools. It can also be a reference to a panel box where wires are connected in a building.
central planning
This is the message box feature. It will give you a set of options to choose from, usually cancel, no, or yes, in order to proceed.
Out of the box usb support..
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Josselyn always knew that her hair was her best feature. A movie can feature a well-known star in the lead role, thus enhancing box office revenues. One feature of a diamond is its hardness.
It is not known why an HDMI wire is not initially included in the box with a bought Playstation 3. The most likely reason is that the HD feature on the PS3 could be considered an optional feature.
A 'feature' film is one that earns box office revenue. And, a 'filmmaker' is any one of the people whose names you read in the credits at the end of a movie.
Spin box
Spin box
A box wrench has that feature.
Actually depending on the size a normal box needs a lot of space if not used. A collapsible box on the other hand can be collapsed and folded and stored with minimal need of space.
A freesat box is a new feature offered in the United Kingdom. Freesat is designed so that for one price you can have free satellite television and radio.