To catch up, the factory needs to make up the difference between the target production (875 bags) and the actual production (323 bags) in the first hour. This difference is 875 - 323 = 552 bags. Therefore, the factory needs to make 552 bags in the next hour to catch up and meet the target of 875 bags per hour.
1918 saw the average raise rise to $875 per year. The average house cost $6,715 and the average car cost $360. Although it is difficult to find the price of a pint of milk, a gallon of milk cost around 55 cents in 1918.
6% of $875.00= 6% * 875= 0.06 * 875= $52.50
.875 as a percent is 87.5%.
5% of 875 = 5% * 875 = 0.05 * 875 = 43.75
35% of 875= 35% * 875= 0.35 * 875= 306.25
6% of 875= 6% * 875= 0.06 * 875= 52.5
875 * 0.90 = 787.5
875% your welcome!! zach
65÷100×875= 568.75
875/100 or 8.75
To find ten percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.1. In this instance, 0.1 x 875 = 87.5. Therefore, 10 percent of 875 is equal to 87.5.
Multiply a number by 100 to get the equivalent percent: 875 x 100 = 87,500%
All the multiples of 175, beginning with these: 175, 350, 525, 700, 875 . . . infinity.