1 US dollar is equal to 43.46 Philippine pesos today.
1 pesos
1 USD = 47.7 Philippine Pesos
As of 6 May 2009: British Pound (GBP) to Philippine Peso (PHP) 1 GBP = 72.0473 PHP
One US Dollar = 47 Peso Note: Value as of 13 Feb 2009
$1 = 42.76 philippine peso
The Philippine peso is the currency used in the Philippines, not the Filipino dollar. The exchange rate between the Philippine peso and the US dollar fluctuates daily and can be checked with financial institutions or currency exchange websites.
1 US dollar is equal to 43.46 Philippine pesos today.
1 pesos
1 USD = 47.7 Philippine Pesos
As of December 19, 2008, US$1 = Php 46.96
As of 6 May 2009: British Pound (GBP) to Philippine Peso (PHP) 1 GBP = 72.0473 PHP
1 Kidney stone and the fibula of a native.
It would depend on the current exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the Philippine peso. As of September 2021, the exchange rate is around 50 Philippine pesos to 1 U.S. dollar, so 10,000 U.S. dollars would be approximately 500,000 Philippine pesos.
1 peso coins circumference?
The 1 Philippine peso coin is composed of a nickel-brass alloy, consisting of 75% copper and 25% nickel.
1 Nepalese rupee is equal to 0.46 of a Philippine peso as of June 3rd, 2014.