5000 cincomilcruzeiros to brasil to indian rupees
As of today (02APR2011), 1000 Euros is worth about 1373.15 Canadian Dollars.
What cost $1000 dollars in 1960 would now cost $6,929 dollars.
$1000 dollars
1000 colones in cdn dollars
its shockingly only two dollars
1000 dollars
1000 Brazil mil cruzados = $ 600.96 US Dollars.
1 million
in US Dollars? roughly 17 cents
5000 cincomilcruzeiros to brasil to indian rupees
The encloypedia says 1000 us dollars but Im pretty sure its LIke 5 dollars maybe
it about 500 and something to one dollar, you can be a millionaire there and not be THAT rich...The exchange rate is running about $2 for 1000 Colones (1 Mil). Just multiply the amount of the bill (1M) times the number "2" to get a rough idea how much it's worth ($2 in this case) So 5 Mil Colones ~ $10; 10 Mil ~ $20, and so on. Here's a nifty "cheat sheet" I found to quickly convert from dollars to colones: colonestodollars.com . I like it because it shows a picture of the bill and how much it's worth on the street. I was in Turriabla and San Jose in June-July, 2014. Wish I had found that chart before I was there.
50 u.s Dollars